Appointments are available at my home address
 (3, The Meadows, Porlock TA24 8NN) 
 Tuesday 8.30am -5pm,  Thursday 2-7pm and 
Friday  8.30am-5pm 

Also available - Bowen for Babies at Bridgwater Sea cadet centre, every Monday, 10.30am-12noon

Not sure about Bowen but would like to find out? Book a free 15 min taster - click below

To book your treatment, please click on the button below
Click here to book your treatment

Please Note - Missed appointments or cancelling with less than 24 hours notice, the consultation fee will still be charged.

From March 1st, 2024,  Bowen treatments for adults are £48 (initial consult) £45 thereafter
Children 1-18yrs £38 (initial consult) £35 thereafter
Babies under 1yr (initial consult) £35, £25 thereafter

McLoughlin Scar release therapy - initial consultation £35, follow up £30

Breastfeeding support and baby Bowen (up to 1.5hrs) £58
or home visit: from £75

How long does a treatment last?

Treatments last between 45 minutes and an hour, depending on symptoms and sequences of moves required. Please allow one and a half hours for a first visit, to allow time to discuss your symptoms and record any necessary medical history.

What should I wear?

Bowen can be performed through light stretchy clothing - ideally shorts and a t-shirt or cami top. Please do not wear denim or tight lycra. 
There is no need to remove underwear and you will be covered with a towel at all times. No oils are used.  

What happens after treatment?

Each person responds differently to Bowen. Most people find the treatment very relaxing. Some clients find they are achy, experience headaches, hot or cold flushes  emotional releases or feel tired in the first 24-48hours after treatment. This is a positive sign that the Bowen is working. All clients receive an aftercare leaflet with information on what to do and what not to do after treatment.
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