Mum pregnancy aches and pains
As a antenatal teacher, doula and breastfeeding counsellor with over 10 years of experience, I know that pregnancy can be an exciting and wonderful time. It can also be a time full of niggles, aches and pains! Bowen can bring relief from the less welcome side affects of pregnancy such as swollen legs, pelvic pain, aching ankles and feet, heartburn and reflux. It can also help optimise the baby's position ready for birth - breech babies have been known to turn after the mother has had Bowen. 

After birth Bowen can help the pelvis realign, relieving any post-partum discomfort.  
Bowen is also great for babies, bringing relief from symptoms such as sleep issues and colic, and also helping your baby's body recover from the birth. Bowen can help with breastfeeding - for the baby it can relieve restrictions in the neck and jaw which may be impacting on the baby's ability to breastfeed. For the mother, Bowen can help relieve the tension that often occurs in the upper back with breastfeeding, and can even aid recovery from mastitis. As a breastfeeding counsellor I have many years experience and knowledge of working with mums and babies -  I can support you and your baby to achieve your breastfeeding goals, treating you both you in one appointment at no extra charge. 
breastfeeding newborn baby in a sling with mother

If you would like breastfeeding support, I can offer a range of support options.

I can provide support in your own home (from £70)

or you can visit me here in my treatment room (£55).

I am also a volunteer at Nourish breastfeeding support group

which runs every Monday morning - you can visit us for free breastfeeding support

10.30am - 12.30pm for more details click here 

I am also available through What's app or ring me direct 07815 695120

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