What is Bowen?

Bowen is a physical therapy that was developed by Tom Bowen in Australia in the 1950's. Today Bowen has spread to 30 countries around the world. 
Bowen is a holistic treatment that treats the whole body and aims to treat the cause of problems rather than the symptoms.  The treatment consists of different rolling ‘moves’ performed at different pressures, speeds and directions on small areas of the body – anywhere from your head to your toes

Bowen relaxing holistic therapy
How it works

Bowen works on the soft tissue of the body: nerves, muscles, tendons and fascia. Fascia is a layer of tissue that envelops, separates and influences every organ and tissue in the body. Fascia affects our posture, in particular our spine. If there is tension or weakness in an area it can cause pressure on nerves or tension in the muscles, resulting in misalignment and pain. Bowen also aids healing and reduces inflammation by improving blood flow to areas in the body that are restricted.
Bowen technique for alignment and improving posture
What to expect

Bowen is different to other therapies. There is no forceful manipulation, no clicking or crunching. Most clients find it a relaxing experience. The therapist makes series of rolling moves across muscles and underlying tissues at specific points on the body - this elicits a relaxation and healing response within the body. A unique feature of Bowen is the pauses between 'moves' - this allows the body time to integrate the move.
Bowen can be performed through light clothing and the client is covered by towels at all times. No oils are used. 

smiling grandfather and grandson Bowen for all ages
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